Tips for Energy Efficiency
- Schedule preventative maintenance to ensure your unit is performing at its optimum level.
- Install a programmable thermostat; you can save as much as 10% a year on your heating and cooling bills by turning your thermostat back 10% to 15% for 8 hours with a programmable thermostat.
- Clean or replace filters monthly.
- Keep draperies and shades closed during the summer months to keep sunlight from heating your rooms. During winter months, open south-facing draperies and shades to allow sunlight to help warm your home.
- Set your thermostat as low as it is comfortable.
- Set ceiling fans in reverse during the summer months. This will circulate warm air and cool off the room. Most ceiling fans use the same electricity as a 100-watt light bulb and cost pennies a day to run.
- Keep a 2-foot clearance of shrubs/bushes/plants from your unit. This will allow for proper airflow to your unit.
- Install shrubs or trees at least 2 ft away from your unit to shade the air-conditioning unit, but not block airflow. A unit operating in the shade uses up to 10% less electricity than the same one operating in the sun.
- Insulate accessible heating ducts in unheated areas, such as the attic. Insulation minimizes heat loss during the winter.
- Minimize the use of bathroom fans and kitchen hood fans in the winter. A bathroom fan can suck all of the heated air out of the average house in little more than an hour. 11. Make sure your home is properly insulated and sealed.
- Make sure your home is properly insulated and sealed.
- Don’t set your thermostat at a colder temperature setting than normal when you turn on your air conditioner. It will not cool your home any faster and could result in excessive cooling and unnecessary expense. If you are still facing problems then call our technicians for new air conditioner system in Orem, UT.
- Make sure curtains and furniture are not blocking vents.
Do you close the registers in rooms that do not need cool air during the summer?
It may sound intuitive – if a room doesn’t need cool air, why waste the energy dollars trying to keep that room cool? However, it’s not that straightforward. Heating and cooling equipment is complicated. Sometimes what you think is a good idea, may not be.
It is not a good idea to control the temperatures of your rooms by closing registers. Why is that? Well, your HVAC system is designed to heat and cool a certain amount of space. When you start messing with the registers, it affects that amount of space. Closing registers have the same effect that a dirty filter has; it raises the pressure in your system.
If you have a variable-speed motor, this can cause it to operate at a higher capacity for longer periods of time – essentially negating any of the efficiency benefits gained by investing in variable-speed equipment. If you have a single-speed motor, it may not be able to maintain proper airflow. Low airflow = low comfort levels. So don’t waste your time contact immediately HVAC contractor in Orem, UT.
And, those are just the problems that occur at the surface. The increased pressure also has additional consequences for other parts of your HVAC system. It could increase duct leakage – lowering comfort and raise utility bills. Or, even worse, you could wind up with a frozen coil or a broken compressor – two CRUCIAL cooling components.
All is not lost though. There are intuitive heating and air conditioning systems that do allow you to control comfort from room to room. It’s called a zoning system.
Call JP Cooling And Heating LLCÂ at (801) 420-1979 for a free appointment to discuss your zoning options